Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Fish Oil Benefits #10...

Fish oils can decrease blood pressure. They can increases nitric oxide, reducing vascular inflammation. They can block the constrictive elements in the vascular wall such as the calcium channels reducing blood viscosity, and inhibiting a blood vessel constrictor (thromboxane). Lipoprotein (a) is another CVD (Cardio Vascular Disease) predictor that can be lowered by fish oils by up to 19%!

Fish Oil Benefits #9...

Fish oils will improve your cardiovascular risk profile. Fish Oils lower VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoproteins... bad cholesterol), triglycerides, homocysteine, fibrinogen and increase HDL (High Density Lipoproteins... Good cholesterol) levels. Combining fish oils with plant sterols will improve lipid levels even more than either alone.

Fish Oil Benefits #8

Fish Oils increase serotonin, this is the happy neurotransmitter. In turn this will reduce the risk of anxiety, depression and will reduce carbohydrate cravings.

Fish Oil Benefits #7...

EPA found in Omega 3 Fish oil helps to regulate blood supply to the brain which is essential in maintaining focus in weight training sessions. The DHA also plays an important role in brain membranes, memory and cognitive function.

Fish Oil Benefits #6...

As well as reducing inflammation improving your omega 3:0mega 6 ratio helps to displace pro-flammatory fats from the cell membranes giving people a noticable improvement in pain.

Fish Oil Benefits #5...

The EPA found in Omega 3 Fish oils helps to reduce inflammation caused from training and helps improves recovery.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Top 5 Reason Females DON'T get results...

1. Too much Cardio
Spinning and Step classes, 5 pr 10k runs. Cardio is an inefficient way to change your body shape, too much cardio and too little resistance training can imcrease fat storage in and around the muscles in the abdominals, hips and thighs and may also decrease sensitivity to insulin putting you at much higher risk of getting fat from food.

2. Low Protein
Females need 1.98-2.18g per kg of bodyweight. Protein comes fr,mthe latin work 'Prota meaning of importance it is the building blocks for your body. Consuming animal protein helps to improve testosterone ( and decreases estrogens) and contains important enzymes such as carnitine and carnosine which play important roles in fat burning.

3. Low Fat
Fat does not make you fat! Fat is an 'Essential' you need it to survive, t he consumption of fat only becomes a real issue when consumed with refined carbohydrates which are 'Non- Essential', so I know which one I will be removimg from the diet! Eating fat will help you lose fat, but I am not talking about fat from biscuits and chips imi talking about cocunut oil, organic butter and avocadoes.

4. They use a large amount of 'Toxic' skincare products
Many modern day skincare products contain a lot of toxins and synthetic imgredients. These toxins have a detrimental affect on your hormonal balance decreasing fat loss. The ones to watchnout for are 'Parabeans' these are estrogens and estrogen will make you store fat! You can go to amd check the toxicity of your skincare products, 1 being good 10 being bad!

5. High Carb Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it sets your neurotransmitters for the whole day. Carbohydrates increase the neurotransmitter called 'Serotonin' this is and inhibitory hormone that most commonly induces sleep. This means that having a high carb breakfast will make you feel more tired throughout the day and will give you less energy! The best breakfast to have is 'Meat and Nuts' this combination is great for optimal leaness, increased energy amd sustained metal focus. Check out this article for more information...

Friday, 4 November 2011

Fish Oil Benefits #4...

Fish oils diminish C-reactive proteins. This a newly identified risk factor associated with various inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis, angina, coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure and diabetes. The DHA fraction of the fish oil seems to be one most responsible for that protective effect. DHA also has best ability to reduce blood pressure.

Eat Well for Less....

Wild Alaskin Salmon 3 packs for £10 atm at Marks and Spencers.

This may actually contain some omega 3!

Eat well for less...

Monday, 24 October 2011

Todays Food...

50g Vanilla Whey, Cinnamon
10g Primal Fibre, 10g Omega 3 fish oil

2 Beef Burgers, handful of Almonds
2 HCL, 2 Zinc, Methylator,

250g Turkey Mince, Kale, Broccoli, Watercress, Spinach, Red Cabbage, Olive Oil
2 HCL, 1 Multi, 10,000 iu Vitamin D3

Tuna Steak, Kale, Broccoli, Watercress, Spinach, Red Onion, 1/4 avocado
2 HCL, 1 Multi, 5g Omega 3 fish Oil

250g Chicken Breast, Kale, Broccoli, Watercress, Spinach, Olive Oil

Train - 'Jack3d', 20 BCAA's caps, 10 Beta Alanine caps
50g Whey, 50g Vitargo, 1 handful of Raisins

2 Lamb Burgers, Leeks, Carrots, Broccoli, Spinach, Watercress
2 HCL, 1 Multi, 2 Magnesium, 5g Omega fish Oil.10g Primal Fibre

Before bed 4 pumps Topical Magnesium

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Eat at least 4 times a day...

Every fitness article on nutrition will tell you to eat multiple times a day, anywhere from 3-7 every 2-4 hours. In my experience you need to eat at least 4 meals a day, anything less than that and you will get sub-par results. A meal consists of some Animal protein, Greens and smart fats (find a list below). Most people are awake for over 12 hours a day so eating every 4 hours should be no hardship. For best results you should eat 6 times a day, most will have to work up to being able to eat 6 times a day and thats fine, but I have found with both myself and my clients this gives best results.

Wake and Shake

When i speak to most clients the one meal they have problems with is breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, the first thing you eat affects you for the rest of the day. The 'best' breakfast to have is high protein, high fat rotating meat n nuts breakfast. However most clients say they cant imagine eating meat for breakfast, they don't have the appetite for it and after years of hi GI breakfast cereals and skimmed milk I'm not surprised! The main 'excuse' is 'i don't have time in the morning to make breakfast.....' Here is your solution, 'Wake and Shake'. Buy yourself some Whey protein powder, (goat whey if lactose intolerant) try to get a neutral flavour so you can add things to it like berries or mango use water coconut or almond milk, shake or blend and have a small handful of nuts. It should take less than 3 minutes.... No excuses!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Eat REAL Food...

One of my first tips is give to clients is to eat more 'real food'. Humans have done well on high protein, high fat, high carb and many other 'diet variations', what we have not done well on are processed/refined or man made foods.

Real food is stuff like
- Chicken, Beef, Fish
- Berries
- Vegetables
- Nuts and Seeds

All things that would have been available to us 1000's of years ago.

Fast foods especialy contain 'trans fat', the safe level of trans fats in your diet is 0!!
The more trans fats that you consume the dumber you will become, its been shown the more KFC's in an area the lower the IQ of the population!!

Eat more REAL food.....

Monday, 19 September 2011

Fish Oil Benefits #2...

They turn OFF the lipogenic genes, these are responsible for storing fat

Benefits of Fish Oils #1...

Omega 3 Fish oil turns on the lipolytic genes, these are the genes responsible for burning fat and will increase the use of stored fat from the adipocytes.

Lower Body Structural Balance Work and Abs

One of my main lower body weaknesses and for many others is the Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO), this is the tear drop shaped part of the quad that should be clearly visible on the inside of the thigh just above the knee. It plays an important role in knee stability so if you want to stay injury free you need to make sure it is strong enough to withstand the forces you exert through the joint.

Today I am going to Imporve my VMO strength performing Poliquin Step Ups and various types of backwards sled drags and Abs!

Heres the workout...

50m sled drags SuperSet with incline Garhammer raises

12 reps

12 reps

12 reps

12 reps

12 reps

12 reps

First few sets of sled drags were easy, will start much heavier next time.

Poliquin Step Ups and Weighted crunches with 2x 7.5kg kettlebells.

20 reps each leg
15 reps

14kg - 15 reps each leg
15 reps

18kg - 10 reps each leg
15 reps


Heres is todays workout, things I will be implenting from what I learnt on PICP level 1&2 are
- Full range of movement, when performing the eccentric portion of the exercise I will contract the antagonistic (non working muscle) when at the end to increase the stretch on the agonist (working muscle). E.G. Contracting the Triceps at the bottom of a Bicep curl.
- Unilateral work, this is where each arm/side left/right works independantly so you can either perform an exercise on one side then change or use DB's. This will help to improve structural imbalances and weaknesses.

This workout will be performed as SuperSets with 60 seconds rest between each set.

A1) Fat Grip Close Grip DB Floor Press 3110 Tempo 4x9-12
28'sx12, 30'sx12, 34'sx11, 38'sx9
A2) Single Arm Supinated DB Scott Curl 4010 Tempo 4x9-12
12x12, 14x12, 16x10, 16x9

B1) Incline 'Tate Press' DB Triceps Extensions 3010 Tempo 3x9-12
14'sx12, 16'sx12, 18'sx10
B2) Incline Prone DB Hammer Curls 3x9-12 4010 Tempo
8'sx12, 10'sx9, 10'sx9

C1) Decline DB Trcieps Extensions 2210 Tempo 3x9-12
14'sx11, 14'sx11, 14'sx9
C2) EZ Bar Reverse Curl 2110 Tempo 3x12-15 (1 second pause is at bottom 30 degress on eccentric)
10x15, 12.5x15, 17.5x12

Arms destroyed!


PICP stands for the Poliquin Institute Certification Program, this is a course designed by leading strength coach Charles Poliquin and teaches the prinicples of strength training, improving athletic performance and improving body composition. The 5 day course also looks at structural balance issues that individuals may have and how to correct them so that when training you do not fail an exercise technically as you are unable to keep proper form and technique allowing you to train harder and longer than before producing more results. I will be implementing these techniques into my own training as well as my clients, you will be able to find alot of information about it on the blog so stay tuned....

Apart from the structural balance assessments we learnt the principles of strength training, the importance of tempo and rest periods, fiber composition of different muscle groups and absolute full range of movement to help create the most effective workouts for any goal. I will be posting my own workouts and periodically specific hypertrophy, strength and fat loss workouts that you can try yourselves.

The Best Supplement your not taking.... Fish Oil!

Omega 3 fish oils is one of the most underated supplements on the market EVERYONE should be taking fish oil. Its beneifts are numerous and you could see visible changes in your body composition in as little as 3-5 days just from introducing fish oils daily. Each day I will list one of the many ways that omega 3 fish oils can help improve your health and body composition.

Tip #10 'Dont Skip Meals'...

Eating regular meals consisting of protein and smart fats throughout the day is a must for fat loss, but in our time poor busy lifestyles it is far to easy to miss meals. To combat this problem I am going to give you the number one alternative for solid food.  Always keep with you some Whey protein So all you have to do is add water (if lactose intolerant go for a whey isolate, Goat whey or Beef protein isolate, they come flavoured so the goat and beef products don’t taste of goat and beef. This is a question I get asked very frequently!). With the shake take fish oils along with 3 CLA capsules. You can also add have a handful of berries with your shake. This keeps the insulin response down, and supplies some Omega 3’s for overall general health. Protein and smart fats requirements are met, and will tie you over until you can get another solid food meal in.

Tip #9 'Meat and Nuts Breakfast'...

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, by skipping breakfast you increase your risk of obesity by 450%! When you typically have carbohydrates for breakfast you secrete serotonin which is an inhibitory hormone so it will make you feel tired and affect your mental focus and neurotransmitters throughout the day (the afternoon slump). The meat allows for a slow and steady rise in blood sugar. The nuts provide a great source of healthy smart fats that are great neurotransmitters and allow the blood sugar to remain stable for an extended period of time. My clients rave about the increased mental acuity and focused energy they derive from this food combination.

Tip #8 'Go Green'...

Green tea is a powerful thermogenic and having 3 cups a day can help to increase calories burnt from fat by up to 18%! I would advise to get flavoured green teas and rotate them to reduce taste fatigue. If you are on the go then you can just throw the teabag in your water bottle, this will make your water taste nicer and still allow you to stay on track. You have no excuses now!

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Chest Cure....

There is a US trainer caled Chad Waterbury, he trains alot of MMA fighters and athletes and is pretty good at what he does. He recommends that if your chest is weak or you want to improve it, an easy way is High Frequency Training (HFT).

What you have to do is, from the moment you get up to the moment you go to sleep you must notch up 150 press ups. You never go to failure, and it can take 1 hour or all day.

He also recommends this method for Calves and to improve Pull Ups, the reps recomendations are different so if you want to try either of them look it up. Same principle tho, dont go to failure.

I am going to try it for the next few weeks and see if it makes a difference as I wouldnt mind my chest looking a bit better!!

I will be honest and let you know what I think..... Also if you try it let me know what you think!

Back & 13, 13, 13

This morning was back, I didnt do GVT for back today as if im honest I cant do multiple sets of Pull ups with that Tempo! Instead I work out the amount of time it will take to perform GVT and did as many pull ups as I could in that time.

Pull Ups 20 mins 3010 Tempo

I started off dong sets of 8's and 5's then got down to multiple sets of 1 towards the end! Awesome back pump!

Thibs Pulldowns 3x12 2012 Tempo 60 seconds (active) rest
41x12, 48x12, 41x12
Active Rest - Press Ups 25, 20, 20 (check out my chest cure blog!)

DB Bent Over Row 3x10 2111 Tempo
28x12, 30x10, 36x8
Active Rest - Press Ups 15, 15, 20

I was short on time at the end so I finished with 100 crunches.
In the afternoon I got back on the treadmill and did 13, 13, 13 (you should know what it is from previous posts!)

HORRENDUS! Again very heavy breathing, sore throat, couldnt stop couching. Not for the feint hearted!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Tip #7 'Increase SMART fats'....

Fat is ‘ESSENTIAL’ and similar to protein affects hormones favourably for fat loss. It’s not fat that makes you fat (OK, it’s not good fats from lean meats, fish, nuts, eggs, avocadoes), its the hydrogenated fats in processed food that will make you fat. Smart fats include Avocados, Nuts and Seeds (6-8 per serving), Olive Oil, Macadamia Oil, Natural Nut butters (Peanut and Almond are my favourites but the nut must be at least 97% of the ingredients so check the label!) In addition to reducing your carbohydrate intake having more ‘SMART’ fats will help to keep you feeling fuller and stop you from doing a ‘crash’ low calorie diet, they do not work!


Today I only managed to get 1 workout in, but increased the density by doing GVT and having active rest.

DB Press 10x10 4010 Tempo 30's 60 seconds (active) rest
Active rest - Face Pulls 10x10 no specific tempo

Incline Press Drop Set 3x8-10/X 3110 Tempo 60 seconds (active) rest
26x10/5, 28x8/4, 30x8/2
Active Rest -DB Reverse Fly 3x12

The drop set was a mechanical drop set, started with the bench 3 clicks up and then went down into a stronger position to 1 click up to extend the set.

Because I was only training the once today I did 10 minutes of skipping at the end, 15 seconds on, 15 seconds off.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Legs and Prowler Pushes (using treadmill)


Top Half Squat 5x10, No specific Tempo just as explosive as possible during the concentric
230kgx10, 240kgx10, 250kgx10, 260kgx10, 270kgx10

Squats GVT 10x10 4010 Tempo 90kg

Bulgarian Split Squats, rear foot elevated 2x10-12 20kg DB's 3020 Tempo 60 seconds rest
26kgx10/10 26kgx10/10 26kgx10/10

I decided to change to GVT 10x10 as I am enjoying just getting the work done and want to increase workout density. After my refeed yday still a bit depleted so by increasing my workut density I will have a refeed every 5th day from now on.

Was happy I managed to still keep n 26's for split squats after 100 squats!

Treadmill Prowler Pushes

15 secs sprint, 45 secs rest repeat 10 times!

I didnt have a chance to get down to use the actual prowler so I improvised instead, without turning the treadmill on you push the belt manually whilat holding onto the frame. Its a good alternative if you do not have access to a prowler but it will not prepare you for the real thing!

Monday, 8 August 2011

Carb Day!!!

So today is day 15 and after the last 14 days and 26 training sessions I deserve some carbs! I still keep breakfast 'Meat n Nuts' but for the rest Of the day I had 2 sweet potato at meals 2,3 and 4 and for meal 5 I had some gluten free protein pancakes..... I put a bit too much vanilla protein in them which made them very sweet and I burnt them! But after 14 days of no carbs I wasnt going to let that stop me. Im lookimg forward to seeing what I look like in the morning, I have a feeling I may have needed to consume more carbs seeings as I have been low carbs for so long and already pretty lean but we will see.... I can begin to feel the carb coma setting in so will sleep well 2nite!

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Day 10.....

So I am now 10 days into the diet and I am happy to say that I am feeling and looking great and if I'm honest it has been pretty easy with the diet and I have enjoyed training twice a day.

In terms of diet its pretty simple, Meeting the protein goal (Tip #2), lots of healthy fats and zero carbs, I dont even look at them. I will do this for 14 days and then have a carb day on day 15, only if I deserve it! How do you know if you deserve a 'treat' day/meal or a refeed....

A) When everyday tasks become a chore!
I am talking about walking up the stairs, going to get a drink etc. Too often people refeed or have 'treat' meals when they are not really depleted. Our bodies are designed to withstand alot of stress amd can go relatively long times on low nutrients, think back to cave man times we wouldnt eat regularly and also look at supermodels who starve themselves, they still live to a reasonable age. If our bodies were so fragile that they cud not survive after 4 days of low carbs and 3 workouts our our species would be extinct a lomg time ago. If you have to think whether or not you deserve a refeed or 'treat' then the answer is NO!

B) If you are lean
The more muscle you have, the more nutrients your body requires so for that reason you would need a refeed sooner. If your dieting and still 'fat' you only deserve a 'treat' meal when you have reached point A), you do not deserve a 'treat' day! This may sound harsh but trust me it is much harder to get lean then it is to stay lean, so put the effort in and get lean as quick as possible. The longer you leave the higher chance you have or giving up and not achieving your goal.

I definitely qualify for point B) and by monday(day 15) I think I will qualify for point A)! And I am looking forward to my day...

It will consist of sweet potato chips and 'Poliquin' gluten free protein pancakes

Tip #6 'Fight Fire with Fibre'...

This is a very simple, but very effective tip. It is hard to make a ‘bad’ fibre supplement, if it DOES NOT contain oat, wheat or bran then it is a good fibre supplement. You will need at least 4 different types of fibre supplements as they have an intimate contact with the stomach lining your body will adapt so you must rotate the every 8 days. Fibre is great for increasing the body’s’ ability to excrete toxins (detox), this will help reduce visceral fat, love handles and fat store around the thighs and bum. It will also help improve your thyroid function which is key for fat loss as high levels of toxicity have a detrimental affect on the thyroid.


in this morning for a quick arms session

A1) Incline DB Curls 3111 Tempo 4x10
8kgx10, 10kgx10, 10kgx10, 12kgx10
A2) Dips 4010 Tempo 4x12
BWx12, BWx12, BWx12, BWx12

B1) DB Spider Curls 3x12 3011 Tempo
10kgx12, 10kgx12, 12kgx12
B2) DB Overhead Triceps Extensions 3x12 3110 Tempo
10kgx12, 12kgx12, 16kgx12

I am also today onlmy going to get in potentially one session as I as now going to elevate my alpha male status to new heights by getting my legs waxed!!! I think I will be recovering for the rest of the day!!

Deadlift Day...

Today I was really busy with clients from 9am-8.30pm, so the only time I could get a session in was EARLY!!


Rack Pulls 8x3
140kgx3, 150kgx3, 160kgx3, 170kgx3, 180kgx3, 190kgx3, 200kgx3, 205kgx3

Deadlifts Advanced GVT 10x5 3110 Tempo 60 seconds rest - 155kg

Defecit Deadlifts 3x6-8 3110 Tempo 60 seconds rest
100kgx8, 105kgx8, 110kgx6

Single Leg Calf Raise 3x10-12 2210 Tempo no rest
BWx12/12, BW+5kgx12/12, BW+8kgx10/10

Standing Calf Raises 3x12 2020 Tempo 60 seconds rest
27kgx10, 35kgx10, 41kgx7+3

I did pretty much the same workout as last week, Though suprisingly once I got going I felt great and strong so took deadlift up to 155kg which I regretted at the end last 3 sets were brutal.

I am not going to have time to get in another session today, but will habe revved up the metabolism with all that compound heavy lifting.

Shoulders and Prowler Pushes...


DB Shoulder Press Advanced GVT 10x5 4010 Tempo 30kg DB with Fat Gripz

DB L Lateral Raises 3x8 2021 Tempo
6kgx8, 8kgx8, 10kgx8

TRX Reverse Fly 3x8
BWx8, BWx8, BWx8

Shoulder press was TOUGH this week, especially with the fat gripz but I tend to feel it more in my shoulders when I use them.




50m, crunches to failure
50m, crunches to failure

Add 20kg

50m, crunches to failure
50m, crunches to failure

Add 20kg

50m, crunches to failure
50m, crunches to failure

Take off 40kg

50m, crunches to failure
50m, crunches to failure

Add 20kg

50m, crunches to failure
50m, crunches to failure

Ads 20kg

50m, crunches to failure
50m, crunches to failure

By the time I got to the studio I ony had 25 minutes before he shut, so I had to get it done. After the first round I was feeling very sick but taking off the 40kg and repeating the whole thing made me feel much better (still felt bad, but better than I was feeling!)

I drove home with a massive headache, slight nausea and decided I needed to lie down for a bit when I got home before attempting to eat anything! Prob best prowler session iv ever had!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Sprints, Back & Biceps...


As I completed both lots of 12-12-12, I decided to take it up to 13-13-13 again 15 seconds on, 15 seconds off.

Was alot harder, really struggled to finish the last 4 sprints. Quads and hamstrings on fire and breathing so heavily that my lungs and throat were sore I couldtnt stop coughing for about 2 hours afterwards!


Back & Biceps

Chin Ups Advanced GVT 10x5 4010 Tempo

Thibs Latpulldowns 3x12
34x12, 41x12, 48x12

DB Bent over Row 3x10-12 3010 Tempo
28x12, 30x12, 30x10

DB Hammer Curl 4x8 3111 Tempo
14x8, 16x8, 20x8, 16x12

Ez Bar Reverse Curls 2x15 3111 Tempo
5x15, 7.5x15

Prowler Pushes, Sled Drags and Chest...


Prowler +40kg
Sled +120kg

Prowler Push 50m
Sled Drags 50m

Rest for 2 mins

Repeat 8 times...... I have never sweat so much in my life, had no feeling in my legs and felt extremely sick for about 30 minutes after... Awesome!


DB Chest Press Advanced GVT 10x5 4010 Tempo 36kg DB

Low Incline DB Press 3x6 3110 Tempo
30x6, 30x6, 32x5

Legs and Skipping


Legs & Calves

Top Half Squat 5x10, No specific Tempo just as explosive as possible during the concentric
220kgx10, 230kgx10, 240kgx10, 250kgx10, 265kgx10

Squats Advanced GVT 10x5 4010 Tempo 120kg

Bulgarian Split Squats, rear foot elevated 2x10-12 20kg DB's 3020 Tempo 60 seconds rest
26kgx12/12, 26kgx12/12, 26kgx12/12

Single leg Calf Raises 100 reps as quick as possible 2010 Tempo no rest



30 seconds ON, 60 seconds Off

Repeat 12 times followed by abs!


Again only managed one session today, as it was the hottest day of the year so far I got outside and did some sprints down the park. this time I sprinted half the length rather than the whole length of the pitch.

Sprint half way, walk to the end, sprint back half way, walk back to the start.... As many time as I could in 20 minutes.

As the distance was shorted I was concentrating on more speed.

Tip #5 'Dont Drik Calories'

Calories containing drinks are one of the main causes of fat gain in recent times. They provide unnecessary calories and are normally loaded with sugar which will affect insulin as described as above. These include fizzy drinks, fruit juices, smoothies, ‘Designer’ coffees etc.


Only managed one session today...

Advanced GVT 10x5 4010 Tempo

A1) Weighted Dips +20kg
B2) Incline DB Hammer Curls with Fat Gripz 12kg

A2) Overhead Triceps Extensions 3x12 3110 Tempo
28x12, 35xq2, 42x12

B2) Spider Curls 3x10-12 3011 Tempo
10kgx12, 12.5kgx12, 17.5x8

Sprints & Shoulders


Treadmill 12-12-12 again and abs circuit


Neutral Grip DB Push Press 5x3 X010 Tempo
26'sx3, 28'sx3, 30'sx3, 32'sx3, 36'sx3

DB Shoulder Press Advanced GVT 10x5, 24kg DB 4010 Tempo

DB Leaning Lateral Raises 3x12-15 3020 Tempo
8x15, 10x15, 10x12

TRX Reverse Fly 3x10 3020 Tempo
3x10, 3x10, 3x10

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Deadlift Day, Calves & Prowler Pushes....

Rack Pulls 8x3
140kgx3, 150kgx3, 160kgx3, 170kgx3, 180kgx3, 190kgx3, 200kgx3, 205kgx3

Deadlifts Advanced GVT 10x5 3110 Tempo 60 seconds rest - 140kg

Defecit Deadlifts 3x6-8 3110 Tempo 60 seconds rest
100kgx8, 105kgx8, 110kgx6

Single Leg Calf Raise 3x10-12 2210 Tempo no rest
BWx12/12, BW+5kgx12/12, BW+8kgx10/10

Standing Calf Raises 3x12 2020 Tempo 60 seconds rest
27kgx10, 35kgx10, 41kgx7+3

Prowler Pushes


Push 40m, 20 sledgehammer on a tyre
Push 50m, 20 twists with 15 kg Med Ball

Add 20kg


Push 40m, 20 sledgehammer on a tyre
Push 50m, 20 twists with 15 kg Med Ball

Add 20kg


Push 40m, 20 sledgehammer on a tyre
Push 50m, 20 twists with 15 kg Med Ball

Take off 40kg


Push 40m, 20 sledgehammer on a tyre
Push 50m, 20 twists with 15 kg Med Ball
Push 100m! Die!

Tip #4 'Do Resistance Training'

Resistance training is a must for anyone looking for fat loss and changing their body composition. Firstly resistance training expends more calories but it also has a much better affect on your fat burning hormones and increases the metabolism for a much longer time after exercise. The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn every day at rest making it easier for you maintain your goal, resistance training also helps improve insulin sensitivity!

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Todays Workouts.....

This Morning Back & Biceps

Chins Advanced GVT 10x5 4010 Tempo
Managed 8 sets of 5, only managed 3's on the last 2 sets.

'Thibs' Pulldowns 4x6 2012 Tempo - check out my youtube channel.
56kgx6, 61kgx6, 68kgx6

Chest Supported DB Rows 4x6 3110 Tempo
30kgx6, 32kgx6, 36kgx6

Seated DB Zottman Curls 2x12 3020 Tempo
8kgx12, 8kgx12

EZ Bar Reverse Curls 2x12 3020 Tempo
10kgx11, 12.5kgx11

This Evening...... 12-12-12

This is performed on the treadmill, 12 Incline, 12 speed, 15 seconds ON 15 seconds OFF for 12 minutes.

Followed by an abs circuit performed 5 times....

Hanging knee raises
Crunches on Stability Ball
Weighted Russian Twists
Stability Roll Outs

Tip #3 'Oil your Machine'.....

Introduce omega 3 fish oils into your diet. Fish oils help improve the transport of carbohydrates in to the muscle cells to be stored as energy reducing the risk of them being stored as fat; they also help to increase insulin sensitivity (mentioned earlier, very important for fat loss). You will need to supplement with this to get the concentrated doses you will require for fat loss, aiming for 1-1.5g per % of body fat.

check out these links to see the many benefits to taking omega 3 fish oil

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Sled Work.....

This afternoon I decided to do my 'cardio' session using a weighted sled.

60kg added
50m drag - crunches to failure
100m drag - crunches to failure

Add 20kg

50m drag - crunches to failure
100m drag - crunches to failure

Add 20kg

50m drag - crunches to failure
100m drag - crunches to failure

Take off 40kg

50m drag - crunches to failure
100m drag - crunches to failure

Nausea and legs numb = great session!

Chest and Triceps....

A1)Bench press Advanced GVT 10x5 4010 tempo 85kg
A2)Rope Face Pulls 10x10 no specific tempo just using the as assistance eercise to offset all the pressing

Low Incline DB Press 3x10 3110 tempo
28kgx10, 30kgx10, 34kgx9

Triceps Dips 3x10 4010 tempo
10, 10, 8+2

DB Triceps Kickbacks 3x12-15 2111 tempo
8kgx15/15, 10kgx15/15, 10kgx12/12

As I completed my 10 sets of 5 on 85kg I will up the weight for the next session to 90kg and hopefully I womt be able to complete it. The face pulls are put in inbetween as assistance work to help me keep my back tight and shoulder blades together when pressing, I dont use a heavy weight just enough to get a good pump. It's also good to add in to improve posture, peolpe normally do alot more pressing than pulling movements this can lead to shoulders rounding forwards.

I finished off with a bit of Triceps to increase the volume on them as I will do a seperate arms day later in the week.

This afternoon I have a prowler session!!!!

Sunday, 24 July 2011

My Supplements

Here is a list of the different Supplements I take, I will detail when and how much I take when I post my daily nutrition.....

Acetyl L-Carnitine
Topical Magensium
Fish Oils
Primal Fibers
Whey Protein

I will chose 1 supplement at a time and explain the benefits and recommended dosages.


So here is todays second session....

As it was such a nice day I decided to head down to my local park and do some sprints in the sun!!

There are some Rugby pitches marked out so after a long warm up (I am notoriuos for pulleing hamstrings during sprint sessions) my aim was to sprint the length of the pitch as many times in 15 minutes sprinting there and walking back.

I managed 12 sprints and my throat and mouth are as dry as the desert and feel quite sick.......job done!

Tip #2 'Meet the Protein Goal'

Protein is ‘ESSENTIAL’ and affects many different hormones in a favourable way for fat loss. Daily protein goals for Males are 3.3-4.4g of animal protein per kg of bodyweight and for Females 1.98-2.16g of animal protein per kg of bodyweight. This may sound a lot to most people so just concentrate on increasing your daily protein intake inline with your appetite, if you feel full...You are full!

Tip #1 'Go Against the Grain'

My top tip for getting trim is to cut out all grains and gluten (rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc). Firstly let me explain there is no such thing as an ‘ESSENTIAL’ carbohydrate, and unless you are in the 25% of the population who are genetically tolerant to carbohydrates or you are already 8% body fat then these foods are sabotaging your fat loss efforts. The problem is the affect that these carbohydrates have on insulin and how this affects your ability to burn fat, the leaner you are the more sensitive you become to insulin meaning your body needs to produce lower amounts when carbohydrates are present. When you are not lean and not sensitive to insulin the body has to produce higher amounts of insulin when carbohydrates are present, and it is these higher amounts of insulin levels that bring your fat burning processes to a halt. With this tip alone you will lose visceral (abdominal) fat and reduce your love handles buy 50-75% and I guarantee if followed properly you will lose at least 2 inches of your waist within the first week.  *Check out how ‘Cheats’ can still prosper!

Here is how you can still socialise and get lean!

*When cutting out grains it is important to have a ‘Cheat meal’, if scheduled properly this will help to keep your leptin levels up and this hormone controls your appetite and keeps your body’s fat burning furnace firing.  You can do a 4:1, so on the 5th day of cutting out grains at your evening meal you can eat all the carbohydrates you want. There are NO restrictions. If you want to include alcohol then you must do a 6:1, so on your 7th day again in the evening you can consume as much alcohol as you wish.

Life is for living, live it lean!

Top 10 Tips.....

I will be DAILY posting my top 10 tips on how to improve your body composition.

I have chosen these top tips as they are simple to follow and will give you alot of 'bang for buck', this means you will get a good return for the effort you put in.

To all the keyboard warriors out there ready to list countless articles in Mens Health, Mens Fitness or information from other fitness celebrities or professional that contradict what I say these are the things that I practice and have helped me and many of my other clients change and improve their body composition to date and because of this I know that if you do it properly, it will work! Iv seen it with 100's of people...

I am just sharing my knowledge and experience with you, I am not saying this is right and everything else is wrong, this is just my opinion.

Todays Leg Workout!

Todays Workout

Legs, Calves & Abs

Top Half Squat 5x10, No specific Tempo just as explosive as possible during the comcentric
220kgx10, 230kgx10, 240kgx10, 250kgx10, 265kgx8

Squats, heels elevated 5x10 4010 Tempo 60 seconds rest
80kgx10, 80kgx10, 80kgx10, 80kgx8+2, 80kgx6+6!

Bulgarian Split Squats, rear foot elevated 2x10-12 20kg DB's 3020 Tempo 60 seconds rest
20kgx12/12, 20kgx12/12, 20kgx22/26!

Single leg Calf Raises 100 reps as quick as possible 2010 Tempo no rest

15 seconds sprints on Bike, 15 Reverse Curl, 20 Twists with 20kg Plate, 15 weighted Crunches.... Repeat 6 times, no rest!

So there is todays leg workout, the first exercise is used to stregthen my Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO), this is the tear drop part of the quad. This is due to a structural imbalance but I do enjoy shifting the monsterous weight! also when you come to squat everything feels light as a feather in comparison!

Heels elevated for squats is to put more stress and focus on my quads as I will have a 'deadlift day' later on in the week to work my posterior chain, also to help improve a structural balance issue.

Bulgarian split squats felt brutal but I decided to go to all out failure on the last set and hit some pretty high numbers, this unfortunately means the weight was too light so Im going to have to up it for next time.

Calves were destroyed after 100 reps on each, I will train my Calves again later in the week with more weight but am always too drained after squatting!

Felt very sick after the sprints and abs....which is the perfect way to finish any workout!

Next up is Chest and Triceps.....


Hi Guys and welcome to my Blog!

This is a temporay blog until my main website is up and running, (will be in a few days but I am impatient!).

As well as the usual fintess tips and articles, I will also be showing you guys what it is I do, all my workouts, my nutrition on a day to day basis and what supplements I take and when.

So today I have arranged a photoshoot, it gives me a goal and something to focus on which is very much needed if you want to continuely progress. Only problem is its in 3 weeks, 21 days. This is obvioulsy not a huge amount of time, but I like it. Im not one for dieting for 12-16 weeks I would rather go hell for leather for next 21 days.

I am also going to do something controversial... And thats do No Cardio!!! When I say Cardio I mean steady state, fasted in the morning etc. I use the prowler and do sprint training and will continue to do those as my cardio, but no other form. I am confindent I can make the changes I need with my nutrition and training. In terms of resistance training, I will do 2 sessions a day, a heavy session in the morning and a higher volume session in the afternoon/evening or will do a conditioning session ans seperate weights sessions.

I have a goal and that is to be leaner than I was for the last photoshoot I had in May last year, when I even suprised myself by how lean I was! Its not going to be easy, but if it was easy it would be no fun!

It begins......