Wednesday 30 May 2012

What I've Learnt about... Hamstrings

The Hamstrings are a 'Pennate' Muscle, a pennate muscle is where the muscle fibers attached obliquely (in a slanting position) to the tendon. These types of muscle allow for greater force production and shorter range of movements. This fact alone already gives us a good indication about how the hamstrings should be trained... Heavy, as you need to produce a lot of force. Try to fail on the eccentric phase before the concentric phase...

The Hamstrings also produce more than one major movement and joint, Hip extensions and Knee flexion. You should include variations of both movements in your workouts.

Top exercises for the Hamstrings
1. Nordic Raises or Glute Ham Raises
2. Deadlift/ Romanian Deadlift
3. Hip Extensions
4. Lying Leg Curl,  2 up 1 down

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