Wednesday 23 November 2011

Fish Oil Benefits #10...

Fish oils can decrease blood pressure. They can increases nitric oxide, reducing vascular inflammation. They can block the constrictive elements in the vascular wall such as the calcium channels reducing blood viscosity, and inhibiting a blood vessel constrictor (thromboxane). Lipoprotein (a) is another CVD (Cardio Vascular Disease) predictor that can be lowered by fish oils by up to 19%!

Fish Oil Benefits #9...

Fish oils will improve your cardiovascular risk profile. Fish Oils lower VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoproteins... bad cholesterol), triglycerides, homocysteine, fibrinogen and increase HDL (High Density Lipoproteins... Good cholesterol) levels. Combining fish oils with plant sterols will improve lipid levels even more than either alone.

Fish Oil Benefits #8

Fish Oils increase serotonin, this is the happy neurotransmitter. In turn this will reduce the risk of anxiety, depression and will reduce carbohydrate cravings.

Fish Oil Benefits #7...

EPA found in Omega 3 Fish oil helps to regulate blood supply to the brain which is essential in maintaining focus in weight training sessions. The DHA also plays an important role in brain membranes, memory and cognitive function.

Fish Oil Benefits #6...

As well as reducing inflammation improving your omega 3:0mega 6 ratio helps to displace pro-flammatory fats from the cell membranes giving people a noticable improvement in pain.

Fish Oil Benefits #5...

The EPA found in Omega 3 Fish oils helps to reduce inflammation caused from training and helps improves recovery.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Top 5 Reason Females DON'T get results...

1. Too much Cardio
Spinning and Step classes, 5 pr 10k runs. Cardio is an inefficient way to change your body shape, too much cardio and too little resistance training can imcrease fat storage in and around the muscles in the abdominals, hips and thighs and may also decrease sensitivity to insulin putting you at much higher risk of getting fat from food.

2. Low Protein
Females need 1.98-2.18g per kg of bodyweight. Protein comes fr,mthe latin work 'Prota meaning of importance it is the building blocks for your body. Consuming animal protein helps to improve testosterone ( and decreases estrogens) and contains important enzymes such as carnitine and carnosine which play important roles in fat burning.

3. Low Fat
Fat does not make you fat! Fat is an 'Essential' you need it to survive, t he consumption of fat only becomes a real issue when consumed with refined carbohydrates which are 'Non- Essential', so I know which one I will be removimg from the diet! Eating fat will help you lose fat, but I am not talking about fat from biscuits and chips imi talking about cocunut oil, organic butter and avocadoes.

4. They use a large amount of 'Toxic' skincare products
Many modern day skincare products contain a lot of toxins and synthetic imgredients. These toxins have a detrimental affect on your hormonal balance decreasing fat loss. The ones to watchnout for are 'Parabeans' these are estrogens and estrogen will make you store fat! You can go to amd check the toxicity of your skincare products, 1 being good 10 being bad!

5. High Carb Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it sets your neurotransmitters for the whole day. Carbohydrates increase the neurotransmitter called 'Serotonin' this is and inhibitory hormone that most commonly induces sleep. This means that having a high carb breakfast will make you feel more tired throughout the day and will give you less energy! The best breakfast to have is 'Meat and Nuts' this combination is great for optimal leaness, increased energy amd sustained metal focus. Check out this article for more information...

Friday 4 November 2011

Fish Oil Benefits #4...

Fish oils diminish C-reactive proteins. This a newly identified risk factor associated with various inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis, angina, coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure and diabetes. The DHA fraction of the fish oil seems to be one most responsible for that protective effect. DHA also has best ability to reduce blood pressure.

Eat Well for Less....

Wild Alaskin Salmon 3 packs for £10 atm at Marks and Spencers.

This may actually contain some omega 3!

Eat well for less...