Saturday 6 August 2011

Day 10.....

So I am now 10 days into the diet and I am happy to say that I am feeling and looking great and if I'm honest it has been pretty easy with the diet and I have enjoyed training twice a day.

In terms of diet its pretty simple, Meeting the protein goal (Tip #2), lots of healthy fats and zero carbs, I dont even look at them. I will do this for 14 days and then have a carb day on day 15, only if I deserve it! How do you know if you deserve a 'treat' day/meal or a refeed....

A) When everyday tasks become a chore!
I am talking about walking up the stairs, going to get a drink etc. Too often people refeed or have 'treat' meals when they are not really depleted. Our bodies are designed to withstand alot of stress amd can go relatively long times on low nutrients, think back to cave man times we wouldnt eat regularly and also look at supermodels who starve themselves, they still live to a reasonable age. If our bodies were so fragile that they cud not survive after 4 days of low carbs and 3 workouts our our species would be extinct a lomg time ago. If you have to think whether or not you deserve a refeed or 'treat' then the answer is NO!

B) If you are lean
The more muscle you have, the more nutrients your body requires so for that reason you would need a refeed sooner. If your dieting and still 'fat' you only deserve a 'treat' meal when you have reached point A), you do not deserve a 'treat' day! This may sound harsh but trust me it is much harder to get lean then it is to stay lean, so put the effort in and get lean as quick as possible. The longer you leave the higher chance you have or giving up and not achieving your goal.

I definitely qualify for point B) and by monday(day 15) I think I will qualify for point A)! And I am looking forward to my day...

It will consist of sweet potato chips and 'Poliquin' gluten free protein pancakes

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