Monday, 14 May 2012


Magnesium deficiency is just as common as Zinc deficiency and will also affect a number of different functions in the body including sleep, brain function, muscle contractions, testosterone, strength, and the absorption of other essential nutrients such as zinc. Low Magnesium will have a detrimental affect on sleep quality. Sleep is The most underated factor when looking at improving body composition. Poor sleep quality will increase cortisol, decrease testosterone and protein synthesis and insulin sensitivity and reduces the production of growth hormone. Most people who show signs of overtraining is because they do not recover not because they are training too much. Magnesium is a 'YIN' mineral with calming propeties so it should be taken in the evening and/or after a workout. Replenishing Magnesium levels is more difficult as thr body requires magnesium stores in the body for normal function. Foods that contain Magnesium are foods such as Halibut, almonds, cashews, and green vegetables, one serving of these foods will only provide about 15 percent of your RDA. You can supplement with Magnesium, UberMag because it contains that perfect blend of chelates to support overall magnesium levels.Topical Mag and UberMag Plus are best for sleep, topical creams are rapidly absorbed into the body, and UberMag Plus also contains tryptophan, an amino acid that supports relaxation and sleep.

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