Sunday, 13 May 2012

Benefits of Coffee...

Check out this great video from Charles Poliquin about Coffee and its benefits...

Ask Coach - Benefits of Coffee

Take home points...

1. Make sure its Organic. Coffee is one of the most sprayed crops in the world and its these toxins that are responsible for the bide seide effects associated with coffee

2. Prepare it Properly. Caffeine cannot diffuse across the coffee bean at high speeds, it must be slowly dripped to contain hier amounts of caffeine per ml.

3. Coffee contains high amounts of anti-oxidants, especially polphenolys. This is probably ,most peoples only source of anti oxidants.

4. Studies have shown that those who drink coffee can live up to 5 years longer than those who dont, the reason why could be because it induces liver detoxification processes (tellsyour body to clean itself out)

5. Use coffee 45-60 minutes pre-workout. Caffeine helps to increase muscle strength, it also helps to increase speed of muscle contractions, you spare muscle glycogen meaning you will burn more fat when exercising, increases your mood and concentration.

6. Anti-oxidants in Coffee also have useful properties to help with the pancreas so it helps to increase insulin sensitivity.

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