Monday, 21 May 2012

High Density Training for Fat loss...

High Density training refers to the total amount of work performed in a workout, I use this method a lot initially with fat loss clients with high body fats (20%+) and females. In order to get more work in there is less emphasis on time under tension so there is less increase in muscle mass with a reduction in body fat being the main emphasis, once body fat is reduced there is more focus on increaseing lean mass to sustain and improves results. We focus on thr concentric phase of the movement being as quick and powerful as possible but still under control, this works on myofibril hypertrophy, this where the muscle fibres get firmer rather than increasing in size (great for females!)

Here is an example of a high density circuit...

A1. Lower Body
A2. Push Movement
A3. Pull Movement

First round perform 10 reps, then 9, 8, 7 all the way down to 1 with as little rest as possible between exercises and sets. That is a total of 165 reps and should be done in less that 10 minutes. To increase the density of workout for next time you would either do same weight in less time, more weight in the same time or more weight in less time!

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