Wednesday, 30 May 2012

High Volume for Hypertrophy...

If building lean muscle mass is your main goal then you need to ensure you are performing enough volume on each muscle group per workout. This is one of the biggest mistakes I see people make, they will only do a few hard sets for 3-4 exercises 9-12 sets is not enough volume generally speaking for most people to achieve a substantial amount of muscle hypertrophy. Keep rest to 60-75 seconds to get more volume in your workout and focus on producing the greatest amount of stress on the muscle, you may do fewer reps or need to reduce the load as you do more sets but thats fine, the goal is to produce stress, damage and put the muscle under tension for hypertrophy not to get stronger.

on the flip side I do see some idiots do a HUGE amount of volume in their 2 our arm workouts but there is very little focus on keeping the muscle under tension and producing stress and trauma that these workouts are also ineffective!

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