Monday, 23 April 2012

Improving Sleep

Sleep is the most unrated factors when looking to improve your body composition. Sleep deprivation is very commonm and it is to do more with the quality then the quantity of sleep. A lack of sleep will lead to a decrease in growth hormome, decrease in testosterone (bad for males and females), a decrese in tolerance to blood sugatsand an increase in cortisol. All of these things will have a detrimental effect on your goals...

Continue reading my blog for top tips to improve your sleep and results...

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Improving your Body Composition... stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated in THE simplest thing you can do to improve your body composition, If you are dehydrated you will increase cortisol. Feeling thirsty is a sign of dehydration so this is something you want to avoid as much as possible, aim two consume 39ml of water(filtered or bottled, tap water is shit!) per KG of bodyweight per day, 0.039xbodyweight

So for me its 0.039x88 = 3.432 litres per day.

You could also add a slice or two of fresh lime to your water to help alkalise and improve detoxification.

Again this is something you have to do consitently, if you do you can expect to reduce body fat from the umbilical and triceps.

Improving your Body Composition... add 50g of protein

One of the simplest and also most effective tricks to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass is to add and extra 50g of protein ( preferabbly animal protein) to your daily intake. This is especially important for females looking to improve their body composition, the first 50g of protein you consume goes towards detoxification and the immune system. This trick will ensure you have enough protein for these processes and the other sources of protein you consume can go towards promoting lean muscle tissue and reducing body fat.

This needs to be something you include consistently, everyday! Dont do it for 2 days the. Ell me its not working!!!

Swap Cardio for Weight Training...

One of the first things my clients ask me is 'Are you going to make me do lots of cardio?'
When I answer 'No' they have a mixture of emotions, they are happy because they really didnt want to do lots of cardio and they are also confused as they believe cardio is the only way they will lose fat and change their body shape...they couldnt be more wrong. Cardio gets your heart rate up and keeps it up, I explain to my clients that we will be weight training, and weight training only and if this is performed correctly you will get results quicker and you will soon see why there is no need to does endless amounts of mind numbing cardio.

10 minutes into the session when they are drippimg with sweat and gasping for air like someone who is having an ashtma attack they soon understand what I was talking about.

Here are the reasons why you should swap Cardio for Weight training

- Cardio WILL plateau after a 6-8 week period, meaning at this point you will get no more benefit from that training and continuing on from this point would even be counter productive.

- Cardio will age you. Doing aerobic training increases oxidative stress(a process called oxidisation, similar to the rusting)caused by free radical damage, the body fights or nuetralises the negative effects of free readicals using antioxidants. Aerobinc training causes a huge excess in free radical damage that the body cannot deal with, this leads to metabolic changes (and rusting) which can accelarte aging. Look at long distance runners and people who regulalry do marathons, they all look old!

- Cardio can cause Adrenal stress/Adrenal fatigue. Too much cardio can lead to stress on the gland leading to adrenal fatigue, some of the symptoms include tiredness, allergies, arthritis, anxiety, depression, reduced memory, and difficulties in concentrating, insomnia, feeling worn-out, and the inability to lose body fat. If adrenally fatigue you will tend to store fat around the abdominals and love handles.

- Continuous Cardio can make you fatter. Cortisol is the stress hormone, it promotes the breakdown of muscle tissue and fat storage. Some people have a big exposure to stress in their lifestyle so by Adding more 'stress' doing aerobic work you could increase cortisol even more having a negative affect on decreasing body fat. An increase in cortisol will also decrease your chance of building muscle another negative if you are looking to improveyour bodfy composition.